Happy February guys! As I stated last month, I am going to dedicate the first Talk Tuesday of every month to the “word of the month” so let’s get into it. For February the word of the month is “Positivity.” The planner states “A glass half-full of fresh lemonade, expecting the best, looking up. Positivity let’s us see just how much goodness surrounds us” In my opinion, one of the best traits I have is that I really do try my hardest to always, always look at life as glass half full rather than half empty. I truly believe in vibes and that whatever you put out to the universe you will receive back. Do I have everything I want in life? Absolutely not, but there is no need to dwell on what I don’t have, while not appreciating what I do have. I try to make time to do things in life that gives me joy. Whether it is setting an hour a day aside to make sure I read for pleasure, or taking time on the weekend to unwind and listen to some of my favorite music. With everything going on I know it is extremely difficult to remain upbeat and positive. We can’t hang out with friends and family, the world seems to be in disarray about one thing or another, you are overworked, you didn’t get the job you wanted, I mean the list could go on and on. However, although it is cliché, the saying “why cry over spilled milk?” is really how I try to manage in life. Let’s talk. What are some things or ways in life that help you to maintain the positivity in your life or is that something you struggle with? From Jaime With Love
Music, Love, Books, Movies, Nostalgia