Talk Tuesday

Talk Tuesday!

Recently Khloe Kardashian decided to “tell her truth” regarding how her relationship with her ex and the father of her daughter actually began. To recap; she really wanted it to be known that she did not take him from his former girlfriend. She stated that when they met, he did tell her that he had a child on the way, but that the relationship with the mother was long over. She went on to say how many things he did to prove to her that the relationship between he and the mother of his child to be was done. He introduced her to his inner circle, his mother and even his lawyer so they could all back up what he was saying. The relationship was done, over, finished and to her; this was enough to believe him and begin dating and ultimately start a relationship. This ladies and gentleman is what you call a RED FLAG!!! This is not a bashing post about Khloe. This is where the post stops talking about her specifics and starts talking about general red flags! I think we can all agree here that we at some point and time saw the red flag at the start of a relationship or a situationship and decided to look past it. Decided that; well maybe the flag isn’t really all that red is it? In Khloe’s situation the red flag was clearly the pregnant ex girlfriend, but it’s not always something so big, but it is often times obvious. It’s small things like the lack of consistent communication. You know the “talk all day” today and then the next day he can’t be bothered to send a simple good morning text. It’s the “your tripping” comment or attitude the moment you say something to “check” his behavior. The list could go on and on, because we know the signs. We see the flag and yet for whatever reason we think or trick ourselves into thinking it means something else. Newsflash; it doesn’t. If he’s in an overlapping relationship; you know what that means? Messy. If he likes to lead you on and play mind games; you know what means? F-Boy. It’s really simple and we make it complicated. Our desire to be loved or are ego that makes us think “he won’t do it with me” often clouds are judgements. You know yourself better than anyone else and if it doesn’t feel right; it’s probably cause it ain’t right! Love yourself enough to walk away from red flag situations before you invest too much time, energy and peace to a toxic situation. From Jaime With Love.

(2) Comments

  1. Erika Ancrum says:

    I completely agree. I always pay attention to how a man speak on the mother of his child or an ex. Grant it, there are situations when people have terrible break ups but calling a women out her name no matter what happens is not cool. Those flags I pay attention too. In this case, no one should be seeking a new relationship with an ex is pregnant with your child.

    1. admin says:

      Yes, because you can have a bad break up and still be respectful. You can say “it ended badly” without being disrespectful. They are definitely red flags, because a man with disrespectful loose lips won’t be any good for you.

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