Sex And The City Talk Tuesday

Talk Tuesday!

Hey there! As I discussed a few weeks ago, all of upcoming Talk Tuesdays will be centered around Sex and the City. Every February I bring out my box set and re watch the series. So for the next few weeks Talk Tuesdays will be about SATC! Let’s discuss Season 2 episode 4 “They shoot single people don’t they?” In this episode all 4 ladies find themselves single at the same time and so they make the most of it and go out dancing! Dancing until about 5AM, despite Carrie having to do a photo shoot the next day. In the end Carrie gets to the photo shoot, looking disheveled and ends up on the cover looking a hot mess with the title “Single and Fabulous?” Which then has the rest of the women questioning if they were single and fab exclamation point or single and fab question mark. By the end of the episode Carrie has come to terms with her singleness and embraces it by taking herself out to dinner and “having a glass of wine alone” Now of course if you know me or have been following along with this blog then you already know I am a single gal! So obviously this episode is one I relate to all too well. I definitely have my exclamation point or question mark days! I will not lie, it’s definitely rough out here. Being single can be very very lonely, it’s just the truth! However, like my good girlfriend Carrie did sometimes you just have to take yourself out and have a glass of wine alone. I’ve always been okay with doing things alone and that trait has definitely helped me along my single gal adventure. Sure, I would love to find that special one, but until then I have to remind myself that going to dinner, movies or anything else alone is just fine. From Jaime With Love! Let’s Talk, if you are a single girl how do you feel about this episode or just the matter in general?

Let's Talk!